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40 years of Sights & Sounds by Denis O' Sullivan

It all began with an idea...

It was the May bank holiday weekend, I had recorded 3 songs earlier in the year and I was eager to book some shows for the Summer so I called into Soundz of Muzic shop to ask Kit Dunlop about KMEG's plan for the "Scene on the Green" Festival and about getting a slot during it.

He told me the plan was KMEG were just going to provide the Marquee with insurance and let any interested acts book times in the Marquee themselves but they'd have to provide their own PA system, sound engineer, lights, lighting engineer, stage crew, backline, ticket sales, advertising etc .etc. for each show put on there, to my ears a recipe for chaos and waste so it spawned an idea in me.

I was already volunteering in the Carnegie Theatre and the chairperson had asked me to book shows there which I was already doing so I got an idea about combining many resources to put an amazing festival together. The resources were already there waiting to be used but unfortunately a dark cloud of apathy hung over the whole thing due to some small minded self serving resistance (let's park that there for now)...

Anyway I made a few calls and fired out a few messages over that weekend to artists I knew and respected enquiring about their interest and/or availability to perform during the festival and by the following week I pretty much had half the festival already provisionally booked so onwards I rocked...
With the blessing of the board of the Carnegie, KMEG & Clare Bunbury of Kenmare Buttermarket I put my plan into motion...
The first thing I did was call a meeting...

The Invitation

Approx 20 people turned up to the first meeting in the Carnegie Theatre where I presented the first draft of the plan. People were into the idea and many volunteered to help. It was beautiful! Financing the festival was going to be the biggest hurdle as it was too late to apply for grants for this year. I believed and still believe that everyone who worked or performed at the festival should be paid of course so I made some enquiries which proved fruitless & infuriating! Honestly in such an affluent, well resourced area the amount of greedy, disgusting, old world, self serving, political posturing that went on made me sick to my stomach!
It looked like it wasn't going to happen but my attempts to walk away from the idea proved equally futile so after some persuasion from friends to keep going I eventually came up with a possible solution, to hold a livestream fundraiser event in the Carnegie Theatre, after all they had all this new livestreaming tech they had just spent a fortune on gathering dust so why not make use of it and raise some much needed funds in the process?
A community effort. They agreed so I set about organising the event for 30th June, only a few weeks away at this point.

It was a race against time...

The idea

I produced this Livestream Promo Video to advertise the event. Thanks to Patrick O'Connor Mason for filming some of the footage on this video. The working title of the festival was "Summer In Kenmare" and it was going to be amazing! I booked 8 excellent acts & the event was going to be free to attend as well as being free to view online. The plan was that people could donate online through a donate button during the 4 hour show or at the venue. All good so far!

The livestream Program Launch
& Livestream Concert Fundraiser

This is the video of clips from the livestream event that took place in the Carnegie Theatre, Kenmare, an event that was broadcast live all over the world, lasted almost 4 hours with 8 wonderful, diverse performances. It was a magical night, many turned up to support us at the venue and online and we all shared in that wonderful experience. Unfortunately our fundraising efforts fell well short of expectations but in the grand scheme of things it doesn't matter, the event is what lives on...

This is the wonderful poster design by Laurie Shaw for what was going to be
"Summer in Kenmare"
but alas it wasn't to be... this year.

Following yet another failed attempt to raise funds for the festival I once again tried to walk away from the whole thing but was once again persuaded to rock on with the plan by many friends and artists who agreed to play for donations from the public so in the end we decided to focus on utilising the free tent and on promoting the "Scene on the Green" Festival instead. So we rocked on!
We, Jerry O'Sullivan, Kit Dunlop, Saffron Willetts & I, set up a spread sheet and started filling slots for anyone who wanted to perform in the tent during the festival given the conditions. We wanted to cater for as many different tastes as possible so the line up started to look very interesting very quickly.

Kenmare is usually a trad or covers kinda town catering for the tourists which is completely understandable but it gets very boring for a lot of us so we booked Rock, Blues, Folk, Classical, Rap, Funk, African, Jazz, Disco & Trad. We had Open Mics and Workshops, we even had an entire Avant Garde day so it was shaping up very nicely from the beginning.
Of course there was the occasional drama and falling outs and what have you but for the most part the vibe was wonderful and exciting, it was a good time to be alive!

To make things even more interesting I introduced a new element to the mix, the Cherry on the Icing on the Cake so to speak..

The "Scene on the Green" Song Contest.

I had already recorded 3 songs earlier this year with Tony O'Flaherty at the legendary Sulán Studios in Ballyvourney and I loved the experience plus I came away with 3 new songs sounding better than anything I had ever recorded before! It was after that I decided to ask Kit about booking a slot during the festival. Believe me when I tell you at that point ending up organising the entire festival wasn't even on my radar, how life takes us on these twists and turns, the story of my life it would seem!
So Tony offered to sponsor a day's recording with him in Ballyvourney so it seemed like the perfect prize.

The entire festival was almost filled and ready to go in no time at all, it was amazing!

More and more amazing artists appeared out of nowhere, from not so far away down the road, new friendships forged! It was a beautiful time, an exciting time, a time of true community!

And so it all unfolded, for 26 glorious, historic days bar 1!
I filmed almost everything,
1.5TB of videos and photos but I still missed a few shows, sorry about that!
I will write about the festival in more detail in my book so for now it's all videos...

Here is the 1st of 5 videos of clips from the performances filmed and recorded during the 26 day festival...

The "Scene on the Green" Festival Video

Part 2

17th July - 23rd July

click on image to go to video

The "Scene on the Green" Festival Video

Part 3

24th July - 3rd August

click on image to go to video

The "Scene on the Green" Festival Video

Part 4

4th August - 8th August

click on image to go to video

The Song Contest

Funny story.. On the Friday before the due closing date for the song contest which was the following monday at noon we still hadn't received even one entry so I put out the word that we had only one entry and that person was going to win 1st prize automatically. I know, I lied, but it had to be done plus It worked lol!
By the time the contest was due we had 11 quality entries, see they just needed some gentle persuasion so we had the makings of a very interesting evening indeed! I asked Kit, Bruno, Claudia, David & Bibi to be the Judges, I ordered a trophy from Sean Finnegan (another funny story..) and we were good to go... see the video

Song Contest Video

A selection of clips from the event.
Click on image to go to video

None of it would have been possible without the help and support of people like El Bruno who provided PA equipment, did an amazing job on the sound, hosted open mics, recorded the now famous jingle and performed live numerous times! Hero!
Special Thanks also to the other unsung Heroes... Ivan, Tommy, Fintan, Tomaz, Jerry, Saffron, Kit, Brian & Ashley...

Magical memories of a magical time in my life!
26 days, 67 shows, approx. 150 artists and over 5,000 people passed through the tent this Summer! It was amazing!
New friends made, lifelong connections. Something very special happened in Kenmare this Summer, an energy of community but not from where you might expect it. Life is full of surprises and revelations like that!

I leave Kenmare for Spain in a couple of months with mixed feelings. I will miss those I love but I will see them again and as for the rest of it well it's all experience to draw from at the end of the day.

This all went from being an idea to everything you see in front of you and a lot more because of everyone who turned up and made it happen. As I keep saying it makes for a fantastic final chapter to my book and I will never forget those who gave of their time and energy during those wonderful, historic months!
Thank you!

"Scene on the Green" Festival 2023 Slideshow
(99 pics)

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