It is all now consigned to the annals of history but I will keep the memory of the night of 17th June 2022 close to my heart forever more! Even the build up to the event was relaxed and easy going, I made sure of that for my own mental health's sake! Too many mistakes and falling outs of the past to draw wisdom from and the potential for stress and anxiety was strong considering all that had happened in the 5 years since I last performed my show. No, I was going to enjoy every moment as best I could.
The night itself was just magical! I was as prepared as I could be..
We had a wonderful audience, lots of family and friends turned out to show their support and the atmosphere was electric before it even started so the omens were good for the night
First up was my good friend Ivan Peter Pawle..
Ivan Peter Pawle is one of the founder members of the legendary Dr Strangely Strange. The Universe brought us together for this event and so began a lifelong friendship. Ivan is a beautiful soul with boundless energy and has inspired me from the moment I met him! His set was magical, see the video of clips for yourself, he enchanted us all with a selection of his songs and compositions and was also highly entertaining in between!
To say I was nervous going on would be the understatement of the year but I was also grounded, present and enjoying the buzz around the place. I had done all could do to make this happen so now was the time to step up and do my thing! There were lots of frustrating moments throughout the show with dodgy remote controls, the projector not behaving as it should, forgotten lines and guitar parts, mistakes left right and centre BUT it all worked out just fine in the end! The audience loved it! I made a short video of clips of the show, see above.
After the break my good friend & co collaborator El Bruno joined me on stage for a guitar duet called "Dance Of The Ancients",
I really enjoyed that jam! See it in the video.
And for the grand finale of the night I was joined on stage by Ivan and El Bruno to perform Dr Strangely Strange's "Sign on my mind"
I couldn't have wished for a better return after 5 years!
A heartfelt thank you to everyone who supported us on the night!
I am eternally grateful to Ivan and Bruno and to all the wonderful people
in The Carnegie Arts Centre, Kenmare for making this magical event happen!
I am delighted to announce that we will be returning to
The Carnegie Theatre to do it all again on 17th September!
My next show is in The Michael J Quill Centre, Kilgarvan on 20th August
Kill't Shtöne Ded
Ivan Peter Pawle
So that ends this edition of my blog, thank you for dropping by!