Welcome to my Summer Solstice Blog!
Happy Midsummer to you all! Today I celebrate 10 years since I produced and uploaded my first video to Youtube, "Solstice Slideshow" which started a love affair with video production and photography which has grown in strength ever since. To mark the occasion I have published this new website containing all the videos I produced over the past 10 years, 31 videos in all and a selection of 300 photographs in 11 galleries. I also included a new biography and this blog as it also marks the beginning of a new phase in my life.
I gave it the personal touch rather than just the facts as there is much more to me than just what I do and part of this new stage in my journey is to post regular blogs and to interact with people more than I have been doing in recent years.
As well as being creative I also live with "mental differences" (I prefer to call them) and that side of my life has influenced my journey more than anything else and it's a subject I plan to get into more in future posts. Anyway on with the show!
The past 10 years have been quite the Rollercoaster ride but such has been the nature of my life and now at the age of 52 I'm preparing for the next stage of my life and that includes touring my live "Projections" Show next year.
As this year is still only half way through I plan to record new material and produce even more videos during the rest of the year. I also plan to stage a number of "Projections" Shows around Ireland from September on. Enquiries welcome!
I moved back to Killarney, where it all began, in Dec 2016 after more than 30 years and since then it's been a time of reflection and creation, healing and growth. I recently found this photo as I was going through old photos that have been in storage here since way back when. This was my first "band", a ballad group formed to represent Dr. Crokes GAA Club in the Scór na nÓg Competitions at the time. The year was 1983 and we won the East Kerry & County finals that year. In the photo from left to right as you look at it.. Melissa Willis, Helen O'Sullivan, Laura O'Sullivan Darcy, Mé féin, Stephanie O'Callaghan & Teresa Foley who was our Coach/Director. It's hard to believe that was 36 years ago.
Probably the single most influential event of my young life was seeing the legend Rory Gallagher perform live in The Gleneagle Hotel in Dec 1983. That concert sparked a flame in me that still burns to this day! During the same search through those old photos where I found the previous one I was amazed to find the next two photos which were taken at that concert 36 years ago. I'd managed to hold onto the third photo over the years but to find two more that I'd forgotten even existed was like finding buried treasure, only better!
The rest of my musical life's story is on my Biography page, one day I'll finish the book I've been writing for the past 23 years! The past 10 years are pretty much wrapped up in the 31 videos I uploaded to Youtube along with the Photo Galleries I included in my website. I'm more into sounds and images than I am into words.
"Reborn under the Blood Moon"
People ask me what I mean by that exactly and the answer is this. It actually relates to the Blood Moon/Lunar Eclipse on 26th July 2018. As I mentioned in my Biography page relating to 2018 the year started very badly for me even though I produced "Full Circle Vol. 2" and was keeping myself busy experimenting with clay sculpting etc. the weather was so dark and miserable for so long as the first half of the year progressed my mental health deteriorated until 18th July I ended up in hospital where I actually thought I was going to die. Thankfully it wasn't to be and it actually turned out to be a huge turning point in my life and during that week 18th-26th my life began to turn around and I've been on the up ever since. I went out to film and photograph the Eclipse and Blood Moon on 26th, but it was overcast and I didn't get any footage or photos which was very disappointing. I wasn't too put out though because I could feel a huge change in myself and I knew things were going to be very different after that and they have been. A few months later I produced "Full Circle Vol. 3" and I was invited to perform with "The Soundscape Gardeners" at The Indie Cork Film Festival so the year ended on a very positive and surreal note!
Then on Jan 21st this year there was a second Blood Moon/Lunar Eclipse called "The Super Wolf Blood Moon" and this time I struck gold or blood if you like! I got some of the best photos in my entire life, the way the sun set and the moon rose, I couldn't have asked for better conditions or results, it was pure magic! In March I produced "Moon Medley" and I changed my website domain name from denmus.com, which is also 10 years old this year, to bloodmoon.ie
I feel like I was reborn under the Blood Moon and today being the Solstice and 10 years since my 1st video is as good a place as any to hit the reset button and start my life anew!
I set up a new Facebook page called
to promote my website and future "Projections" Shows so please connect with me there.
Also please subscribe to my
Youtube Channel
and like and share and all that good stuff! Thank you!
I plan to post more blogs and I have a new video in the works which should be finished within a month or so so do check in again.
Have a wonderful Summer Solstice! Thank you for dropping by & I hope you enjoyed your visit!
Peace & Love,