Welcome to the 2nd edition of my Blog with a new video, a new photo gallery containing 40 photos and a new "Shows" section.
First up, It's been 10 years since I produced the original "Sunset Serenade", my first full production music video so to mark the occasion I produced "Sunset Serenade II (10 years later)". Filmed over the course of a year in Killarney, Ireland, the soundtrack as always was inspired by the images also composed and recorded in Killarney where I've lived for almost 3 years now. It's a bit of an epic video, 20 minutes long, I designed it in three stages to take you a meditative journey. I hope you enjoy it. :D
Bee landing on a Gladioli
I am already planning ahead for 2020!
Next year, 2020, will be the 10th anniversary of my "Wander Around The World Tour" where I traveled to and performed in Brighton (UK), Amsterdam (The Netherlands), Berlin (Germany) and Benalmadena (Spain). It was a life changing experience which didn't quite go according to plan (plan? what plan? lol) but it definitely gave me something that I desperately needed at the time. Next year, 10 years later, I plan to revisit those places and perform my "Projections" show while also filming a documentary along the way.
That tour will start in May when the Brighton Festival is on so I plan to stage a number of shows here at home in Ireland early next year in preparation.
I will be posting more blogs before then with updates.
That's it for now, thank you for your visit! I don't know when I'll be posting my next blog but I'm a regular on facebook so if you'd like to connect with me there I'd be delighted! It's back to the drawing board for me now, lots of stuff on the go right now which keeps me sane, especially at this time of the year which I find difficult. The lack of solar energy and the cold, wet weather affect my mental health so it's important for me to stay as busy as possible or I can easily sink into the darkness. I must've been a Bear in a previous life because as soon as Winter sets in I just want to hibernate and stay wrapped up warm in my bed until Springtime comes around again lol!
Lots of love to you all, be kind to each other, enjoy the moments and focus on the good stuff.
Peace & Love,
Denis <3